April 20, 2010

saya cantek?

mestilah saya x cantek! prasan ape ko amalina.
tapi saya comeyl je.
okay titik noktah.

Here are the rules to accept the award :

1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
2. pass this award to 5 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
3. Contact the bloggers and let them know they've won the award.
4. State 7 things about yourself.

owh kpda pemberi award. maaf kelewatan. kelupaan.

n this award goes to....

anda smmgnye blogger yg cantek. xtipu nie. imy too si cantek. :)
nak wat post pasal skul lyfe. demm rindu gler jadi nakal scra gerila*diam2* tapi baek. hehe

okay. ko mmg xcantek. awek ko aka kwn ak tue je cantek.
ngehehehe. gud luck finals ib. pastue bole blanja si muda 364 ari nie. :D

alu... u skrg da jdi deskmate i kat lecture.
n deskmate ku harus cantek. hahaha~ :)

okay, nie deskmate kat lecture lagy sorng.
tido mate juge. ngehehe. XD

nie deskmate kdg2. hsemate ari2.
anda rase anda cantek x mah? kalo ye, post lah blk. harhar. :P

7 things about me?
-rase cam da terer ckp sabah dlu. tpi skrg cam da malu2 mioww nak ckp. heh. :D
-saya hnye kdg2 je revise pas lecture. bajet mcm tgh amek course menjahit ke apetah xyah revise ari2 :( rslts pon -.-" tulunnn
-bukan anak bongsu okay. size je macam saya bongsu ade abang. auww~ mmg arapan dari kecik "ma, nak abang!" :D
-mase f5 cite2 nak jdi akauntan. tpi kuasa d tgn anda! tgn saye click "mara, medic" O.o
-bakal makcik. acik na? mak cit? mak cik? achik? ngehehe!
-pipi besar, mate kecik.
-nak ipoddd!!!! ^.^

dah2. slamat tggl romeo~


nurulizni said...

tmbh lg..
"suka remy ishak bkn zamarul hisham"

btw, i lyke point no. 6..har3x~

Noraisyah N. said...

thaaaaaaank u kiki lala...
*hidung kembang*